Sunday, March 29, 2009


Wow. I didn't realize I have been neglecting this so badly...I am now 16 1/2 weeks and feeling pretty good. I am starting to get some energy back. I never really had the morning sickness but have been super tired and its been difficult to keep up with my busy life. Dan and I have been busy preparing. We went Friday night and got a crib. Dan set it up yesterday and I decided I don't like it. So the plan for today is to take it down and return it and go get a new one. We were very excited to find out last Tuesday that we are having a little boy. Dan was especially excited about this. He told me he wishes that he would just pop out and be 5 so they could go do cool stuff together like fishing and riding bikes and whatever else daddy's do with their little boys. We have already picked out a name- actually we picked it out when we first started dating and we're sticking with it. His name will be Jonas Daniel Goin. Now that we know the gender I feel like we can really start preparing.
My belly is starting to grow and it is looking more like I am pregnant than just getting chubby. It feels good to see the evidence that my baby is growing and healthy. It definately makes it more real. The shots are going well. They are not bruising as badly and they don't hurt as bad as they did at first. Though my doctor said that when my belly gets really big in my third trimester I will probably see a lot more bruising.
I will post pictures this week of the ultrasound and of my growing belly. And I will try to keep this more updated than I have been :)

1 comment:

  1. It's so good to hear that Jonas is growing so big and healthy! I love the name mari!! Thanks for the update
