Monday, January 19, 2009

I was back at the doctor again last Thursday.... and again today! I had some bleeding on Thursday-pretty scary so they wanted to see me right away. They did another ultrasound and said everything looked good. We saw the baby's heartbeat. And also I had to start my Lovinox injections. It is not as bad as I thought it might be. Dan has been incredible!! He gives me my shot every morning--I don't think I could do it by myself. My belly has little bruises all over it but overall is not that bad. The shots sting for a few minutes pretty badly but then it goes away. Today was just to make sure everything still looked ok. And it does. We saw the heart beat again. It is 133 beats per minute. It is pretty incredible to see our little baby in there. They verified that I am six weeks and four days so my due date is Septmeber 10th. But they are already planning on inducing about 39 weeks because they have to stop the blood thinners a couple days before I deliver. My next appointment is in six weeks. I will get another ultrasound and get to meet one of the two doctors who might deliver the baby. After that I will get an ultrasound every four weeks. I will get to find out at sixteen weeks if it is a boy or a girl! We can't wait!! Then we can really start preparing. I've still been feeling good. There were a couple days with nausea and one morning of being sick but that is about it. I am a little more tired than usual but generally have felt really good.


  1. So glad that everything is going okay. I can't wait until you start to show. I can't believe you have to do the shots but I am glad that it's not too terrible. Yuck! Maybe your baby will come on my birthday!!! Wow! You get to find out at 16 weeks...sooner than most. So incredibly excited for you guys!

  2. how the pregnancy going? we need an update Mari!!!
